White Bird is a heartwarming and poignant film that explores childhood innocence, loss, and the enduring power of hope. Based on the acclaimed graphic novel by Sébastien Perez, tells the story of Jean-Pierre, a young boy who lives in a small French village during World War II.

Jean-Pierre’s life takes a dramatic turn when a wounded American pilot, Albert, crash-lands near his home. Despite the dangers of harboring an enemy soldier, Jean-Pierre and his family risk everything to help Albert recover. As they form an unlikely bond, Jean-Pierre discovers the true meaning of friendship, courage, and sacrifice.

The film’s visual style is both stunning and evocative, capturing the beauty and serenity of the French countryside. The performances are equally impressive, with young actor Thomas Bo Larsen delivering a particularly powerful portrayal of Jean-Pierre.

White Bird

White Bird is a must-see for anyone who appreciates heartfelt storytelling, stunning visuals, and timeless themes. It’s a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

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